Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Two Months!!!!!

Yesterday, Madeleine was two months old. She is growing like a weed. On Monday, she went for her 8 week appointment at the pediatrician. She now weighs 11 lbs, 3 oz. Her head circumference is 15 1/2 inches. Her height is 23 1/2 inches. This puts her in the 65th percentile for weight, 70th percentile for head circumference and the 85th percentile for height!!!! I can't believe that I have a baby in the 85th percentile for height! It may not stay this way, but for at least once in her life she'll be able to say that she was on the tall side. Madeleine now smiles all of the time and she loves to talk. It's so cute and just melts my heart. For several days in a row, she would eat around 8 pm and then fall sleep until 4 or 5 am, at which time she would eat and then fall asleep again until 7:30 or 8 am. The pediatrician was shocked by this. However, since she went to the pediatrician on Monday, she's been waking up again at night. Monday she had a slight fever, which is normal after getting vaccines, so I blame that for waking her up more. The fever also kept me up most of the night constantly taking her temperature, so having to feed her didn't really bother me since I was up anyway. Last night, she didn't have a fever, but she did wake up hungry at 1:30 am. I think I'm going to go back to trying to feed her at 10 or 11 pm to see if that holds her over until morning. She may be having a bit of a growth spurt, so hopefully, she'll get back on track soon. Here are some pictures to show her growth.

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