Thursday, July 31, 2008

Breaking News!!!!

Maddie can roll over from her stomach to her back. The post below regarding tummy time was a post I wrote yesterday morning, but didn't release. Yesterday afternoon, Maddie was playing on her tummy and rolled over. I thought she was about to do it, but didn't leave to get the video camera because I was afraid I was going to miss it. After doing it once, she cried until I put her back on her tummy so she could try it again. Unfortunately, she couldn't do it a second time and just got frustrated. However, this morning, I put her on her tummy and within 2 minutes she was on her back. This time I videotaped it. She then did it a third time.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It's always hard to decide whether to watch the baby or grab the camera!

Madeleine is so beautiful! We can't wait to see her acrobatics at Junaluska this year.

Lisa, Rob Ella