Thursday, October 23, 2008

A Week of Firsts

This past week, Maddie did several things for the first time. Saturday in particular was a busy day. She went to her first pumpkin patch. She also had her first taste of oatmeal, which she seems to like more than rice cereal, although I still don't think she actually swallows much of it. She also rolled from her back to her tummy for the first time. It was great because Will and I actually got to witness this together. On Wednesday morning, when I looked at Maddie in her video monitor in the morning, things looked different. Maddie had turned herself 180 degrees in her crib. She was perfectly centered, but facing the opposite direction. A few weeks ago she started scooting to the end of the crib. She would be in the exact same position, perfectly centered in the crib, just 6-10 inches further down the crib than she was when we put her to bed. Now she figured out how to rotate exactly 180 degrees. It's quite fascinating that she's so exact in her movements. I wonder if this is a glimpse into her personality. Sorry I don't have any pictures to post right now, but I'm at work. I did want to document this great week, though. I'll post some pictures soon.

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Maddie's Foray Into Solid Foods

At Maddie's four month check-up, we got the okay to start her on solid foods. So, this past Saturday, Will and I started feeding Maddie rice cereal. It's more like mush, but it is her first "solid" food. The first time we tried giving it to her, I don't think she knew what to do. I don't think any of the food actually made it down her throat. In the past few days, though, I think she's swallowed some of it. Most of the time, she just looks at us and smiles. She's such a happy baby, so we don't know if she's smiling because she likes the food or just smiling at us, which she does all the time even when we're not feeding her.

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Tuesday, October 14, 2008

First Video...I Hope

We have been pretty slack at trying to figure out how to post video, but I finally had some time to try to figure it out. So hopefully below you will see the first (of hopefully many) videos of Maddie.

Sunday, October 12, 2008

Oldies but Goodies

These are some older pictures that I came across that I thought I would post. The first one shows Maddie trying to eat the nose of her favorite monkey friend. The bottom two are pictures that Will took of Maddie and me one morning before going to work. Maddie was having trouble sleeping so we just snoozed for a few minutes in bed. It was a rare occasion because Maddie never slept with us, not even for naps, except for a few minutes on this and one other morning. I can't believe how our baby girl has grown!

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