Tuesday, February 9, 2010


Here are the rest of the pictures from this last snow storm. Note that the car that you see in some of these pictures is our BWM. There's so much snow on top of it that it looks taller than an SUV. The last picture shows all of the snow that is piled up from the driveways. The mounds of snow are huge and are all over the neighborhood. We're bracing for another 12-16 inches of snow tonight, so wish us luck that we're able to dig out of it and keep power.


As many of you know, we've been getting pounded with snow in the DC area since mid-December. Here are some pictures from the recent snow storms. The first two are from a "small" snow storm of 6-8 inches on Saturday, January 30th (the pictures are from Sunday). The other pictures are from the 2 feet of snow that we received this past weekend.