Sunday, March 30, 2008

Baby Name!!!!!

Will and I finally have decided on a name for Baby Garvin. As some of you may know, it is Jewish tradition to name a child after a deceased family member. This is a way of honoring the family member as well as a way for their spirit to live on in the child. Because of this, Will and I chose a limited number of letters (based on the first letters of our grandparents' names) to look at when deciding on a name for Baby Garvin. We decided that one of the names would be after one of my relatives and the other name would be after one of Will's.

After looking at all of the name options for the various letters, we kept coming back to the same name. The first name is an M name, which is for my maternal grandmother, Martha, and my paternal great aunt, Molly.

For the middle name, we wanted a name that was based on Will's Grandmother Rybolt who passed away in February. We are using her maiden name (her middle name after marriage) as our baby's middle name.

We actually chose the name approximately one month ago. We then had a conversation about the spelling and quickly realized we both had different views on how to spell it. While coming up with the name was somewhat easy, it looked like we were going to have a bigger debate over the spelling. In the end, I used my powers of persuasion to convince Will to see it my way. Without further delay, Baby Garvin's name is:

Madeleine Helms Garvin

Monday, March 24, 2008

Rodney and Traci Had a BABY!!!!

Rodney and Traci are good friends of ours, and we learned the happy news yesterday that they had a healthy baby girl. Sam and I visited them in the hospital and got to meet the new Patton. While we were there, I got to take some pictures with my camera to capture the event.

The above picture is Traci with her new baby.

The two above are Traci and Rondey looking at the baby together.

And the last picture is Rodney after being told how much college tuition will cost for a baby in 20 years.
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More Pictures

(Above) Sam with the new baby. Practice makes perfect.

(above) Rodney finally getting a chance to relax.

(Above) Me getting a terrifying glimpse into the future.

(above) Sam and Rodney swaddling the baby while Traci looks on.
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Monday, March 17, 2008

29 weeks!

We've reached the 29th week! Sam and I have also attended our first baby class to learn what to do when the baby comes. Evidently, your supposed to put your baby in a straight-jacket-like blanket while shaking them and making loud noises in their ear. This should be a breeze for us since this is also how Sam puts me to bed. In the meeting we also learned that the baby will scream the whole time she is being bathed at first because she won't like being exposed nude to the world. This should be easy for us to remember because Sam also doesn't like being exposed nude to the world (from what she tells me).
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Wednesday, March 5, 2008


I am just posting this to test something. Please ignore.

Monday, March 3, 2008

New Camera

Thanks to my birthday gift from my parents, I now have a new camera. I have been playing with it recently and you can check out the results below. (For anyone who's interested I edited the pictures using Picasa which is a really great free software program distributed by Google. Also, the pictures of the baby are our neighbor's child).