Thursday, July 31, 2008

Breaking News!!!!

Maddie can roll over from her stomach to her back. The post below regarding tummy time was a post I wrote yesterday morning, but didn't release. Yesterday afternoon, Maddie was playing on her tummy and rolled over. I thought she was about to do it, but didn't leave to get the video camera because I was afraid I was going to miss it. After doing it once, she cried until I put her back on her tummy so she could try it again. Unfortunately, she couldn't do it a second time and just got frustrated. However, this morning, I put her on her tummy and within 2 minutes she was on her back. This time I videotaped it. She then did it a third time.

Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Tummy Time

As a newborn, it's important that Madeleine has tummy time so she can build up her neck and arm muscles. As you can see, the beginning of her tummy time sessions start out really well. However, they usually end up with her trying to eat the pillow or her hand, or with her crying. Here, Madeleine decided to try to eat her hand.

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Two Months!!!!!

Yesterday, Madeleine was two months old. She is growing like a weed. On Monday, she went for her 8 week appointment at the pediatrician. She now weighs 11 lbs, 3 oz. Her head circumference is 15 1/2 inches. Her height is 23 1/2 inches. This puts her in the 65th percentile for weight, 70th percentile for head circumference and the 85th percentile for height!!!! I can't believe that I have a baby in the 85th percentile for height! It may not stay this way, but for at least once in her life she'll be able to say that she was on the tall side. Madeleine now smiles all of the time and she loves to talk. It's so cute and just melts my heart. For several days in a row, she would eat around 8 pm and then fall sleep until 4 or 5 am, at which time she would eat and then fall asleep again until 7:30 or 8 am. The pediatrician was shocked by this. However, since she went to the pediatrician on Monday, she's been waking up again at night. Monday she had a slight fever, which is normal after getting vaccines, so I blame that for waking her up more. The fever also kept me up most of the night constantly taking her temperature, so having to feed her didn't really bother me since I was up anyway. Last night, she didn't have a fever, but she did wake up hungry at 1:30 am. I think I'm going to go back to trying to feed her at 10 or 11 pm to see if that holds her over until morning. She may be having a bit of a growth spurt, so hopefully, she'll get back on track soon. Here are some pictures to show her growth.

Monday, July 7, 2008

6 Hours - Really????

When Madeleine had her one month check-up last week, the pediatrician said that she should eat every three hours during the day (from start of one feeding to the start of another) and then she should go 6 hours at night. The pediatrician said that if she woke up earlier than 6 hours, we should try to get her to go back to sleep. We were told to feed her at 11pm and then not again until 5am. The doctor said that she could do it. So, since last Monday, when Madeleine has woken up at night, Will and I have done our best to get her to go back to sleep and to not feed her until 5am. The first night, she woke up around 3 or 3:15. I was on duty that night. She usually gets squirmy when she's in her bassinet, but if you hold her, she usually cab fall back asleep fairly easily. So, although I don't want her to think that when she wakes up at night she's going to get to cuddle with Mommy, I decided to pick her up to try to get her to sleep until 5. I picked her up and she was wide awake. I didn't talk to her or play with her because I didn't want her to think that it was play time. So, we pretty much just hung out looking at each other. At 4:45, I decided enough was enough and I fed her. Throughout the week, Madeleine had some nights where we could get her to go back to sleep and some nights where we couldn't. There were some nights where we were able to hold off feeding her until 5 and there were some nights where we couldn't. Just last night, Will and I were discussing whether we thought Madeleine would be able to do this any time soon. Then, last night, our baby girl did it. She went until 5am without waking up. She feel asleep in my arms at 11:30 after eating. I put her in her bassinet and she stayed asleep. I actually woke up around 4 and when I heard silence from her bassinet - she usually gets squirmy by around 4 because she's waking up and she's hungry - I had to check to make sure she was okay. She was sound asleep. I went back to sleep thinking that she was going to wake up any minute, but the next thing I knew, I woke up and the clock said that it was 5am. My little girl was starting to get squirmy, but she made it without waking up until 5am. I know that it may not happen again for weeks, but I'm so proud of our little girl!

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

What'd They Do to Me???

I went to my one month check up yesterday and the doctor said I'm looking great! He said that I'm perfect and that my Mommy and Daddy are doing a great job. I now weigh 9 lbs, 1 oz, exactly 2 pounds above where I was 4 weeks ago, which is right where the doctor said I should be. The doctor also says I'm 21 1/2 inches long. My weight is in the 50th percentile, my height is in the 55th percentile, and my head circumference is in the 75th percentile. If you've been following my blog, then you know that my weight percentile has increased as has my head circumference. It's from all the muscle I've gained turning my head from side to side when I lay on Daddy's chest. I'm also learning a lot from my Daddy. He shares lots of his ideas with me during our time together, which is why my head has grown so much. My question, though, is if I'm such a good girl and doing so well, why'd they stick me in my leg with something so sharp?!?!?!?

Here's a picture of me with my first band-aid. Mommy says it's from my Hepatitis B vaccine. Mommy tried to whisper, but I overheard her say something to the doctor about getting vaccines at my next appointment in four weeks. Anyone know if that's going to hurt?
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Water Baby

Madeleine's umbilical cord fell off a couple of weeks ago, so now she's able to have real baths. Here's her first real bath that she had on Saturday, June 21. Her bathtub was a gift from her cousins Lisa, Rob, and Ella. As you can see, she had a great time. She just lounged and sucked on her pacifier while we did all the work.
This whole bath thing is a piece of cake.
The water is relaxing and at the end, you get to snuggle with Mommy.

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Final Pregnancy Photo

I realized that I never posted my pregnancy photo from when I was 39 weeks pregnant. It's my last official pregnancy photo taken at 39 weeks, 0 days, approximately 53 hours before Madeleine was born.

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